Technique :
- Lie on the back. Keep the heels together. Put the hands on the floor by the side of the body.
- Stretch one of the feet forward and loosen the other leg. Inhale slowly.
- Slowly lift the tight leg up. Hold the breath.
- Remain in this position for six to eight seconds. Then slowly lower the leg without jerk and exhale.
- Take rest for six to eight seconds and practice this exercise with the other leg.
- In the beginning, this asana should be practiced four times with each leg. After practice, one can practice this asana six times with each leg.
Cautions :
- Keep your leg straight.
- Practice according capacity.
- All kind of jerks should be avoided.
Benefits of this asana :
- This asana cures indigestion, gas-trouble and intestinal disorders.
- It reduces abdominal obesity.
- This asana relieves stomach pains and tones up the liver, the spleen and the kidneys.
- It relieves pain during menstrual periods.
- It has a beneficial effect on the upper part of the body (thorax). It strengthens the lungs.
- It removes swelling in the legs, tones up the blood circulation in the legs and relieves pain in the knees and the lower parts of the legs.
Contra indication : back injury, spondilitis, abdominal surgery done, heart disease.
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