Technique :
- Sit in padmasana with legs crossed. The heels should touch the lower part of the abdomen.
- Swing the right arm behind the back of the shoulder and bring the hand near the left hip.
- Sit erect and hold the position for a few seconds.
- Similarly,swing the left arm and hold the right big toe.
- If you experience difficulty in holding the toes, bend slightly forward and make it convenient to hold the big toes.
- After catching the toes, sit erect as before and breath normally.
- Stay in this position for one or two minutes in the initial stage.
- Gradually, increase the time till you can stay in the position for ten minutes.
- release the hands and unlock the foot lock.
- Strech out the legs again and assume the normal sitting position.
- In this asana, the weight of the body is borne by the knees and the ankle-joints, so the joints of the legs becomestrong.
- This asana increases the range of the shoulder movements.
- Both the heels of the legs get sufficient exercise.
- This asana helps to cure ailments like indigestion, flatulence, stomachache etc.
- The continuous practice of this asana helps the person to gradually overcome the weakness of the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver and the spine.
- It reduce the pain in the knees and the ankle-joints.
- This asana stimulates the endocrine glands.
- This asana is useful to cure diseases like asthma, insomnia and hysteria.
- This asana relieves the body of its excessive fat and it increases the vitality.
- Practice this asana only after mastering Padmasana as it demands a high degree of skill.
- Pregnant women must not practice this asana.
- Those feeling discomfort should not force themselves.
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