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Monday, February 23, 2009

Baddha padmasana

Baddha padmasana means locked or bound in Sanskrit. This pose is called locked lotus pose, because the limbs of the body, while in padmasana posture, are firmly locked up and immobilized to enhance its steadiness. This asana is not meant for meditation. This is chiefly meant for health- improvement and for making the body strong. This asana is difficult to perform. Those who are unable to practice this asana should not be disappointed. They should patiently try to accomplish the final position.

Technique :
  • Sit in padmasana with legs crossed. The heels should touch the lower part of the abdomen.
  • Swing the right arm behind the back of the shoulder and bring the hand near the left hip.
  • Sit erect and hold the position for a few seconds.
  • Similarly,swing the left arm and hold the right big toe.
  • If you experience difficulty in holding the toes, bend slightly forward and make it convenient to hold the big toes.
  • After catching the toes, sit erect as before and breath normally.
  • Stay in this position for one or two minutes in the initial stage.
  • Gradually, increase the time till you can stay in the position for ten minutes.
  • release the hands and unlock the foot lock.
  • Strech out the legs again and assume the normal sitting position.
Benefits of asana :
  • In this asana, the weight of the body is borne by the knees and the ankle-joints, so the joints of the legs becomestrong.
  • This asana increases the range of the shoulder movements.
  • Both the heels of the legs get sufficient exercise.
  • This asana helps to cure ailments like indigestion, flatulence, stomachache etc.
  • The continuous practice of this asana helps the person to gradually overcome the weakness of the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver and the spine.
  • It reduce the pain in the knees and the ankle-joints.
  • This asana stimulates the endocrine glands.
  • This asana is useful to cure diseases like asthma, insomnia and hysteria.
  • This asana relieves the body of its excessive fat and it increases the vitality.
Precautions :
  • Practice this asana only after mastering Padmasana as it demands a high degree of skill.
  • Pregnant women must not practice this asana.
  • Those feeling discomfort should not force themselves.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Growing age is the nightmare that frightens everyone. Wrinkles refer to the loosening of the skin with the age the skin looses its elasticity and moisture as a result wrinkles appear on all over the face. Wrinkles are delicate creases caused by thin, sagging skin.

Symptoms : Some creases are temporary, lined and wrinkly skin, drooping skin, sagging skin.

Causes : Over exposure to sun, smoking, pollution, repeated motion such as squinting, drug use, stress, weight loss, loss of vita-E.

Home remedies :
  • Lemon juice is an effective remedy in reducing fine lines under eyes, neck and hands.
  • Massage your skin using flax seeds oil.
  • Apply a juice of fresh pineapples and apples daily on the skin for 10-15 min and then, rinse your with lukewarm water.
  • Apply pure Castor oil on the wrinkles every night before going to bed.
  • Massage coconut oil gently on the wrinkles, every night at bed time at least for 15-30 days.
  • A paste of turmeric made with sugarcane juice is another good remedy.
  • Application of white matter of eggs under your eye shows better results in prevention of wrinkles.
  • Cut a green seedless grape in half and crush it on the affected area. Leave this crushed grape there for about 1/2 hours and rinse it with luke warm water.
  • Try to avoid sunlight on your face. Protect your skin from burning sun rays.
  • Avoid using chemical soaps and face packs. One should use the herbal cosmetics instead.
  • Do not let you sweat stay for longer time on your face. Wipe if out gently with cotton cloth piece.
  • Wash your face regularly with mild herbal face wash/ soap wash containing some blood purifiers like neem and turmeric.
  • Make a mixture of honey, olive oil and cream and apply on the face.
  • Soft massaging of the face in the upward direction with any cream gives the skin firmness and prevents wrinkles.
  • apply mixture of cream of milk and 4 drops of lemon on your face in the night. Apply this mixture till it is completely absorbed in to your skin. Wash with water after half an hour. Do it for 15-20 days, and you will find no wrinkles.
  • Drink 1/2 gram of carrot juice daily for 2 weeks.
  • Place a piece of cucumber around your eyes and also on your forehead. Lie down relaxed.
  • Leave metal spoons overnight in the freezer. In the morning when you first wake up, apply the backs of spoons under the eye to reduce under eye wrinkles.
  • More smiling, less squinting and frowning are ways to keep your face young.
  • Consume at least 4-6 liters of water everyday.
  • Eat a spoonful of shredded ginger with some honey every morning.
  • Lemon and Indian goose berry (amalaki) both are rich in vitamin -c .Rub these on the wrinkles several times a day.
  • make a paste of ginger and honey. Take this every morning before brushing your teeth continuous intake of this mixture will prevent wrinkles for as long as it is possible.
Do's and don't :
  • Do a face scrub using various natural home available products like turmeric, rose water, honey once or twice a week to keep it soft and clean this.
  • Do not sleep on the side or the belly. If the face is in touch with the pillow, chances are that it will develop wrinkles.
  • Maintain the proper moisture balance of your skin. Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat only natural foods with minimal oil and spices you must have a good amount of fruits in daily consumption.
  • Do not expose your self too much to the sun.
  • Live a stress free life.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking.
  • While washing your face, never rub too hard.
  • Do not wash your face with warm water.
  • A good facial massage improves blood circulation reduses wrinkles, tones your skin, and gives a new life.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Supta Vajrasana

Supta Vajrasana is the technical name for the sleeping thunderbolt pose. It was Lord Indra's weapon. This yoga pose is recommended for spiritual reasons and general improvement of internal organ function. Supta vajrasana is similar to Ardha Shavasana. It can be placed in the category of Matsyasana. One should practice it only after one masters vajrasana. Compared to vajrasana, Supta vajrasana requires more strength and flexibility of the spine.

Technique :
  • Sit in Vajrasana. Then with the support of the elbows lie with the back on the ground. The back should touch the ground.
  • Slowly straighten you hands and completely lie on your back.
  • Beginners may keep their hands on respective thighs.
  • After practicing this position well, making the shape of a scissor with both hands bring then under the shoulders, right hand will remain under left shoulder and left shoulder under the right, head in the middle of them.
  • hold this position for 8 to 10 seconds.
  • A few days practice will enable one to practice this asana correctly.
Remember :
  • while lying on your back control your weight, do not jerk.
  • Beginners may keep their knees apart if they find it difficult.
Benefits of supta vajrasana :
  • This asana helps to remove certain defects of the spine. As the spine is arched backwards in this asana, it removes a hunch, if any. The spine becomes flexible and elastic.
  • It is sure remedy for indigestion, gas trouble, constipation and piles.
  • The regular practice of this asana awakens and sublimates Kundalini shakti.
  • It alleviate the disorders of the abdominal organs, the liver, the kidney, the spleen and strengthens them.
  • This asana exercises and activates the thorax, the spine and the neck.
  • It strengthens the joints and the muscles of the legs.
  • This asana is also useful to those who suffer from asthma or other breathing disorders.
  • It is useful in high blood pressure and sciatica.
  • This asana is very good for women as it helps in minimizing menstrual pains as well as avoid any complication during pregnancy.
  • Suffering from gases and pain in heap should avoid this asana.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Constipation may be defines as a common disturbance of the digestive tract. Constipation is when you have trouble having bowel movements. Constipation refers to infrequent bowel movement, incomplete evacuation of bowel, decrease in the volume or weight of the bowel. It may also refer to passage of small amounts of hard and dry bowel movements. As a result they find their way in the blood stream from where they enter all parts of the body causing malfunctioning of the parts. Appendicitis, rheumatism,arthritis, high blood pressure, cataract, and cancer are few of the diseases in which chronic constipation is an important predisposing factor.

Causes : Low fiber diet, low intake of fluids, some particular diseases like hyper acidity, diabetes, colitis, sluggish liver and tumor, weak abdominal muscles, holding back stools when in pressure, irregular meals, incomplete chewing of food, high intake of refined food, emotional disturbances, smoking, consuming to much tea and coffee, intake of illicit drugs, pregnancy, lack of physical activity, frequent use of purgatives.

Symptoms : No bowel movements at least once a day, pain in the abdomen, heaviness in the stomach, wind formation, mucus coated tongue, headache, loss of appetite, pain in the lower legs, fever, nausea, vertigo, palpitation, drowsiness, mouth ulcer, foul breath, dark circles under the eyes, varicose vein, heart burns, acidity etc.

Home remedies :
  • Drinking lemon juice mixed with warm water, 2-3 times day.
  • 1 or 2 tsp of aloe vera gel can be taken, twice a day.
  • In children, a suppository made of the stalk of betel leaf dipped in Castor oil can be introduced in the rectum instantly relieves it.
  • Try 1 tsp of corn syrup with 8 part of water.
  • Add a little sugar or some honey to a glass of milk and drink it, twice a day.
  • Soak one date (seedless) over night in half a cup of water. In the morning mash the date with water and remove the pulp. Take one 1 tsp of this water 3-4 times a day.
  • Drink 1/2 tsp honey in 1/2 cup warm water 2-3 times a day.
  • mix 1/2 cup olive oil with 1/2 cup orange juice and drink to cure constipation.
  • Take 3 tsp of sat isabgol in milk or warm water at bed time.It is also helpful.
  • Mango is a natural reliever of constipation.
  • Dip 10-12 grapes(dry) without seeds in milk and boil the milk. drink milk separately and chew the grapes. when taken at bed time.
  • Dip Spiegel seeds 5-10 grams in 200 grams of warm milk. add sugar and take this in the morning time.
  • Mix 1/4 tsp of Epsom salt to 1/2 a glass of water and drink.
  • Daily intake of Guava with empty stomach in the morning is highly beneficial.
  • Take some fennel seeds and add taken to a glass full of warm water. drink this water each night before going to bed fennel has properties in curing digestive problems.
  • Carrot juice mixed with spinach juice gives immediate relief.
  • Mix the powder of one dry ginger with the powder of some senna leaves in equal properties. Put these powders in a cup of luke warm water. drink this while it is still a little warm every night.
  • 1-2 tsp of Almond oil taken with milk at night for 3-4 days also relieves constipation.
  • Drink 4-5 cups of the water before brushing teeth or eating breakfast on morning. This is an old Chinese remedy.
  • Take 2-3 seeds each of sunflower, almond, sesame and flax seeds. grind it and make a thin powder eat this herbal powder (1 tsp) for a week either with fruit juice or salads.
  • Vegetable palak(spinach) when taken in raw or cooked from has tremendous properties.
  • Take 10-12 piece of raisin (munnakka) wash and remove the seeds and then biol them with a glass of milk once the milk is boiled, eat the raisins and drink the milk. Next day you will find good result.
  • Vajrasana is one of the yogasana beneficial for constipation.
  • Trikonasana, Bhujangasana which are beneficial for maintaining good bowel movements.
Herbal remedies :
  • Triphala : It is composed of three fruits, Hritaki, amalaki, and bibhitaki. It combines the properties of both a purgative, laxative and a lubricating bulk laxative, take 1-2 cap, twice a day , after food.
Do's and don't :
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. keep the water overnight in a copper vessel and drink it when you wake up in the morning.
  • Avoid dry foods. your food must contain amounts of oil or ghee in it.
  • Drink a 1 tsp of ghee with glassful of warm milk, when going to bed.
  • Go for morning walk by having 2-3 glasses of warm water.
  • Do not take rice when suffering from it.
  • Include fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables in your diet.
  • Papaya and sugar cane like fruits and tomato, beetroot salads are very useful in it.
  • Do not eat foods that are difficult to digest.
  • Do aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming.
  • Don't skip your breakfast.
  • freshly cooked food and chew food thoroughly.
  • Eat only when hungry and maintain at least 4 hours between meals.
  • Do not mix too many types of foods in one meal.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ekapada uttanasana

This asana gives sufficient exercise to the abdominal muscles. This asana is to be performed with one leg at a time and then changing it to the other leg.

Technique :
  • Lie on the back. Keep the heels together. Put the hands on the floor by the side of the body.
  • Stretch one of the feet forward and loosen the other leg. Inhale slowly.
  • Slowly lift the tight leg up. Hold the breath.
  • Remain in this position for six to eight seconds. Then slowly lower the leg without jerk and exhale.
  • Take rest for six to eight seconds and practice this exercise with the other leg.
  • In the beginning, this asana should be practiced four times with each leg. After practice, one can practice this asana six times with each leg.
Cautions :
  • Keep your leg straight.
  • Practice according capacity.
  • All kind of jerks should be avoided.
Benefits of this asana :
  • This asana cures indigestion, gas-trouble and intestinal disorders.
  • It reduces abdominal obesity.
  • This asana relieves stomach pains and tones up the liver, the spleen and the kidneys.
  • It relieves pain during menstrual periods.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the upper part of the body (thorax). It strengthens the lungs.
  • It removes swelling in the legs, tones up the blood circulation in the legs and relieves pain in the knees and the lower parts of the legs.
Contra indication : back injury, spondilitis, abdominal surgery done, heart disease.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Asoka is a small, spreading, evergreen tree with bright orange flowers in small dense branches and flat fruits with several smooth grey seeds. It has smooth brownish bark and compound leaves forming a dense crown. Asoka is one of the sacred trees of Hindus, Asoka means "without sorrow" which that gives no-grief, a reference to this bark's reputation for keeping women healthy and youthful.

Botanical name : Saraca indica
Family : Ceaselpiniaceae

Action : Spasmogenic, oxytocic, uterotonic, antibacterial, anti-implantation, antitumour, antiprogestational, activity against menorrhagia, anti cancer.

Parts used : stem bark, flowers, seeds, leaves.
Properties :
  • Rasa : kashaya, tikta
  • Guna : laghu, ruksha
  • Virya : sita
  • Vipaka : katu
Benefits of Asoka :
  • The bark is dictated in ayurvedic medicine as a uterine tranquilizer. It is believed to have stimulating effects on the endomatrium, the mucous membrane lining the uterus and on the ovarian tissue.
  • Seeds are used in treating bone fractures and vesicle calculi.
  • Irregular menstrual disorders : The bark of this tree is effective for excessive bleeding during menstruation due to the presence of uterine fibroid, leucorrhoea. It can be used as a kind of dried fungus used in medicine in the treatment of uterine heamorrhages.
  • Piles : bark is very useful in internal piles. a decoction taken in this condition, twice a daily.
  • Diabetes : The dried flowers of Asoka tree are very useful in this.
  • Dysentry : A fluid extract of the flowers can be taken with beneficial results in hemorrhagic dysentry.
  • Scorpion sting : The bark of the tree is also useful in treatment of scorpion sting.
  • The paste of its bark- skin is beneficial in combating pain associated with oedema or swelling.
  • Asoka ghrita the best medicated ghee of asoka from the fourth month of pregnancy onwards. (second trimester)
  • Pimple : to clear erupted skin make a paste of asoka, some lime juice and milk apply everyday.
  • Abdominal pain : make a juice of the leaves mix with cumin seeds and drink to relieve colicky pain in the abdomine.
  • Burning sensation and inflammation : The decoction of the bark can be used both internally and externally as a wash to relieve inflammation of any kind and to soothe burning sensation.
Decoction formula : 90 grams of bark is boiled in 30 ml of milk and 360 ml of water till total quantity is reduced to about 90 grams. divided in 2 or 3 doses to be given in a day, from the fourth day of menstruation and continue till the bleeding is checked. Fresh decoction is to be made every day.

Herbal formulation :
  1. Asokarishta : 15-30ml, twice/thrice a day
  2. Asoka kwatha : 15-30 ml, twice a day
  3. Seed powder : 1-3 grams, twice a day
  4. flower powder : 1-3 grams, twice a day
  5. Asoka ghrita : 5 grams, twice a day
  6. Asoka Ghana tab. : 1-2 tab, twice a day