Technique :
- Lie on your back with the body fully stretched, palms by your side facing down.
- Slowly raise the legs together up 30, then 60, then 90 and then around 130 degree .so they are extended behind your head.
- Stay in this position , breathing normally,for a few seconds.
- Now, gradually exhale again and straighten your legs up to 90 degrees, until they attain a vertical position. Support the back on two sides with both the hands. Keep the elbows on the ground.Let the shoulders and the neck touch the ground. Keep the body steady.
- Keep the legs raised straight up. Breath normally.Look at the toes of the feet.
- Bend the legs towards the head. Relax the body and bring the legs back to the ground without jerking the spine.
- In this asana, the weight of the entire body is borne by the shoulder. Concentrate your mind on the thyroid gland in the lower part of the throat.
- This asana can be practiced twice a daily. Practice this asana for two minutes in the beginning gradually increasing the time to the limit of half an hour.
Benefits of Sarvangasana :
- This asana diverts the flow of blood into the thyroid glands and promotes their health. It tones up the blood circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system and the excretory system.
- It awakens the Kundalini and stimulates gastric juices.
- It eliminates the longtime diseases of the intestines like indigestion,constipation.
- It tones up the functioning of the nose and the ears. It purifies blood.
- It preserves the elasticity of the spinal column and prevents it from being slugging.
- It eliminates the pain in the heels and other disorders of the feet.
- It tones up the blood circulation and the digestive system.
- It prevents nocturnal discharges effectively and helps in observing celibacy. It is a remedy for the diseases of the genitals and the anus.
- Women can safely practice this asana. This asana eliminates the disorders of the overy.
- Recommended for women after child birth and for those suffering from painfull menstruation, other female disorders and seminal weakness.
- It is beneficial to those who suffer from anemia and leprosy.
- It supplies abundant flow of blood to all the roots of the spinal column.
- This is an ideal and strength giving asana. It energies and invigorates the body.
- It eliminates kidney troubles and the diseases of the bladder.
Contraindications :
- Don't try if you are suffering from organic disorders of the thyroid gland (hyper thyroidism) & chronic nasal catarrh.
nice description,
and adding to ur point dr, people who are not able to completely do this posture can try and do ardha sarvanga asana, a bit easier and gives same result, also back support can be give in initial stages, kindly do visit my blog too say that This asana diverts the flow of blood into the thyroid glands and promotes their health.
but in the end you have mentioned that people with thyroid disorder should avoid this asana.
kindly let me know which is a good asana for me as i have hypothyroid and i want to imporve my metabolism as well.
Hi,Swarna thanks
here this asana increase the blood flow in to the thyroid gland, so increase the secretion of the thyroid gland.
If people have hyperthyroidism, they should avoid this asana.
The terms and benefits of Sarvangasana are very useful to procure the betterment to get rid of some of the health related problems and to keep the body physically fit, Thanks for the share...
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