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Friday, December 12, 2008


While performing this asana, the body takes the shape of "Manduk"(frog). So this asana is called Mandukasana.

Technique :
  • Sit in Vajrasana. spread your knees as wide as possible.
  • Have the inner edges of the feet encircling the buttocks with the big toes of both the feet touching each other.
  • Rest the hands as shown in the figure. Keep the trunk straight.
  • Look straight and breath normally.
  • Remain in this position for 8 to 12 seconds. Perform this asana twice in the first week. Later, practice this asana four time.
  • While inhaling return to normal position and relax.
Benefits of Mandukasana :
  • This asana stimulates the digestive system. It is advised in the treatment of constipation, diabetes and digestive disorders.
  • This asana is effective in reducing the weight of the thighs, hips and the abdomen.
  • This posture helps in tonning the muscles of thigh region and increasing the flexibility of the legs. It assists in the cure of pain in the knees, ankles and back.
  • This asana increase sexual ability. It removes the defects of the reproductive system of women.
  • This asana strengthens the lower parts of the loins.
  • It is useful to cure asthma , insomnia and hysteria.
Contra indication :
people have cardiac problem, patient who have undergone abdominal surgery, severe back pain should avoid this asana.

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