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Thursday, December 11, 2008


Wheezing is a high pitched whistling sound associated with labored breath. The underlying cause of wheezing is increased Kapha dosha in the stomach. From there it moves in to the lungs, trachea and bronchi. The increased kapha blocks the natural flow of air creating spasm in the bronchial tree and resulting wheezing or breathlessness.
Wheezing most commonly occures when a person is exhalling. It is sometimes accompanied by a mild sensation of tightness in the chest. Anxiety about not being able to breath easily can cause muscle tension that makes the wheezing worse.

Causes :
Expossure to allergens, fumes, ice cold drinks, very cold air, medication, strenuous exercise, weather changes, foreign objects trapped in the airway, respiratory illness like pneumonia, congestive heart failure, bronchitis, emphysema.

Symptoms :
Laborated breathing, whistling sound upon breathing, shortness of breath, tight & heavy feeling in the chest, Unable to more speak, coughs up bubbly pink or white phlegm.

Remedies for wheezing :
  • Drink Licorice ( yasti madhu ) tea . take 1 tsp of licorice root in one cup of water, add 5-10 drops of mahanarayana oil just before drinking . patient should take one sip every 5 -10 minutes for a day.
  • Take brown mustard oil 1 tsp with natural sugar 1 tsp, twice or thrice daily.
  • A mustard tea (1/4 tsp each ground mustard seed, pippali or black salt) with honey may be drunk two or three times daily.
  • Mix 1 tsp Cinnamon and 1/4 tsp Trikatu in to a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes and add 1tsp of honey before drinking , twice a daily.
  • 1/4 cup onion juice with 1tsp honey and 1/8 tsp black peeper, take twice a daily. It will very useful for wheezing.
  • This herbal formula is helpful for immediate relief : Sitopaladi choorna 1/2 tsp, Punarnava 1/2 tsp, pippali - pinch, Abhrak bhasma- pinch. mix with honey, a little bit at a time, for long time once a day.
  • You may also find 1/3 cup spinach juice with a pinch of pippali.
  • Putting 5 to 10 drops of warm ghee in each nostril will helpful.
  • Terminallia chebula (haritaki) has rejuvenative, laxative, expectorant effect.
  • Adhatoda vassica(vasa) manages allergic disorders and stimulates respiratory activity.
  • Acorus calamus (vacha) is very effective. It removes phlegmatic matters from the bronchial tabes, making them free for breath.
  • Ginger, Clove has expectorant properties.
  • Tachyspermum ammi (ajwain) is an expectorant . Its bark in powder form is taken in a decoction with butter milk.
Medicines :
Sitopaladi choorna, Lakshmi vilas rasa, Swasha kasa chintamani rasa, Kanakasava, Kumarisaar, Chyawanaprash, Agastya rasayana, Bharangee guda, Kapha kartari, Gojihvadi kwatha, Swashtone lehya etc.

Other remedies :
  • Yoga : Some yogic asanas are beneficial that Surya namaskar, shankhasana , sarvangasana, supta vajrasana, ushtrasana, matsyasana.
  • Supplements : magnesium may help to prevent bronchial spasms. It may be reduced by taking vita-c & B complex.
  • Diet : eliminate red meat, dairy products, ice cream, ice cold drinks, macrobiotic diet of vegetarian food.
  • Deep breathing or other stress reduction methods may help promote relaxation.
  • Aromatherapy : The essential oils for lavender, and rosemary can relieve congestion. Adding chamomile oil to a vaporizer can very helpful.

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