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Friday, October 30, 2009


Urticaria is a skin disease in which pale red swellings in groups on the surface of the skin are observed mainly on the trunk along with itching. Urticaria is a case of hypersensitivity reaction of the skin to allergens. Urticaria develops around loose tissues of the eyes or lips, the affected area may swell excessively causing pain and discomfort, although scary in appearance, the swelling goes away in 12 to 24 hours with right treatment.
This disease is also known as "Nettle rash"or "Hives" as the rash of urticaria resembles the sting of a nattle. It is also known as "Sheeta pitta" in Ayurveda.

Symptoms of Urticaria :
  • Red or white patches on the skin with burning, itching, stinging. The eruption may be as small as pin heads or as large as a rupee.
  • Fever, digestive disturbance, prostration.
  • The eruption may be rounded or irregular and often surrounded by a reddened zone.
  • The disease may affect either part of the whole body.

Causes of Urticaria : (1) Digestive disorders- It may result from digestive disorders like mechanical irritation in the digestive tract or toxemia. (2) Drugs like aspirin, penicillin, quinine. (3) Certain food often cause urticaria in susceptible individuals. These include strawberries, tomatoes, cucumber, oatmeal, wheat, nuts, fish, eggs, chocolate, cheeze, butter. (4) Bites of bedbugs, wasps, bees, mosquitoes, flies. (5) Emotional excitement. (6) Viral infection. (7) Vaccines and blood transfusions. (8) Synthetic products such as deodorant, perfume and talcum powder, cosmetic products, animal derivatives, and similar synthetic substances may cause Urticaria.

Types of Urticaria :
  1. Acute Urticaria : It last for 6 weeks or less.
  2. Chronic Urticaria : It last more than 6 weeks.

Home remedies for Urticaria :

  • Salt : About 12 grams of salt should be dissolved in water and taken by patient. The throat should be tickled to induce vomiting. This will help in curing eruption.
  • Rose water and vinegar : When there is a severe itching on the eruption, abut 35 ml rose water mix with 25 ml of vinegar and applied locally to the affected area. This will give immediate relief.
  • Mint : 7 gm of mint and 25 gm of brown sugar should be boiled together in about 175 ml of water and drunk. This will relieve the itching.
  • Turmeric : Patient should take 2 tsp of turmeric powder mixed with a cup of water daily.
  • Rauwolfia : 1 gm of powdered root can be taken with a cup of water daily.
  • 3 gm of root powder of Arni should be taken with 12 gm of pure ghee twice daily.
  • For local application, prepare a paste from turmeric, seeds of chakramarda and sesame, kooth and massage over the affected portions. Once or twice a day.
  • Application of calamine lotion is workable up to certain extend in Urticaria.
  • Take a tub, filled 1/2 with luke warm water and add 1/2 cup of cornstarch with 1/2 cup of backing soda. A person suffering from urticaria will have to soak the body in to this at least once a day.
  • Use the pulp of Aloe or a cream containing Aloe on the affected area.
  • One can have nattle tea. Add honey or lemon for flavor. Nattle are considered having property to heal urticaria.

Other treatment for Urticaria :

  • Warm water enema.
  • Exposure to fresh air and sunlight.
  • Avoid exposure to cold and cold water.
  • Hot epsom salts bath : This bath is prepared by dissolving 1 kg of commercial epsom salts in an ordinary bath of hot water,taken three times a week, at least for 10-20 min.

Diet for Urticaria :

  • All fruits diet : The patient should take three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as oranges, apples, pineapples, grapes, pears, peaches, papayas.
  • Well balanced food consisting of nuts, seeds, grains, vegetables and fruits. The emphasis should be on fresh fruits and raw vegetables salads.
  • Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, all fresh foods, refined food which are difficult to digest.
  • Water and lemon intake : A glass of water containing the juice of half a lemon may be taken one hour before each meal and also between meals.

Raktmokshan (blood-letting) : Raktmokshan is an Ayurveda method used to draw out a certain amount of toxic blood from the body. This helps in detoxifying the blood, thus helping mainly in various chronic skin disease. Often leech is used to suck out the impure blood from the affected area.

Ayurvedic medicines :
  • Haridra khanda - thrice daily with water
  • Rasa sindur -  thrice daily with water
  • Gairic (Red ochre) - 5 grains, thrice daily with water/ honey
  • Arogyavardhini rasa - thrice daily with honey
  • Sut shekhar rasa - thrice daily with honey
  • Urtiplex (charak) - 1 tab, 3-4 times a day
  • Kaishore guggulu - 2 tab, twice daily
  • Khadirarishta - 3 tsp, twice daily

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Parvata means a mountain. This asana is also known as "Viyogasana", because it involves a special technique of yoga. Only healthy persons should practice this asana. The reference of this asana is not found in any traditional text so far, but has been practiced since a very long time.

Technique of Parvatasana :
  • Sit erect in Padmasana.
  • Form a firm finger lock.
  • Inhaling, stretch the arms with the finger lock vertically above the head without raising the seat and knees.
  • Exhale.
  • Inhaling again, stretch your arms upwards from the shoulder blades and stretch the trunk to the maximum without moving from your seat.
  • Maintain this posture, holding your breath.
  • Exhaling, resume the starting position.
Benefits of this asana :
  • As both the arms are kept vertically up in this asana, the "Prana" is sublimated.
  • This makes spine flexible.
  • Visceroptosis and pain in backbone is removed.
  • This asana gives sufficient exercise to the muscles of the arms.
  • It is beneficial in constipation and removes seminal weakness.
  • If Suryabheda pranayama or Anuloma-Viloma pranayama is practiced for fifteen minutes before performing this asana, the lungs, the abdomen and the spine become strong and healthy.
Precautions :
  • Those, who cannot practice Padmasana, can practice it in standing, stretched legs or Vajrasana.
  • Those having complaints of reeling sensation should not practice it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


When Garudasana is performed, the pose of the body appears to be that of an eagle. So this asana is called Garudasana. The asana invokes the majestic bird that it resembles. In Garudasana you need strength, flexibility and endurance. But this asana also blesses one with unwavering concentration that actually calms the fluctuations of mind. Although these qualities apply to all the yoga poses, its somewhat specific for this eagle like pose.

Technique of Garudasana :
  • Stand erect in Tadasana.
  • Keep the right leg straight on the ground and bring the left leg over the right thigh above the right knee.
  • The left leg should be entwined around the right leg in the same way as a creeper encircles the trunk of a tree and sticks to it.
  • The left thigh should be entwined around the right thigh.
  • Interlock the arms in the same manner. The palms should touch each other.
  • Arrange the fingers in such way that they look like the beak of an eagle.
  • Keep the arms in front of the face. Breathe in the normal way.
  • Hold this position for 8-10 seconds.
  • Unwind the legs and arms and stand in Tadasana again. Repeat for the same length of time with the arms and legs reversed.

Benefits of Garudasana :

  • This asana strengthens the legs. One can balance the body on one leg.
  • Stretches shoulders arms and upper back.
  • In this asana, the blood vessels are stretched. So they become strong.
  • Develops focus and concentration.
  • Improves balance and coordination.
  • It removes the swelling of cells of the testicles.
  • It cures rheumatism of the arms and the legs.
  • It alleviates pain in the thighs and the calf muscles.
  • This asana is helpful for restraining the mind.

Contraindications :

  • People with knee injuries should avoid this pose.
  • Late term pregnancy and obesity.
  • Headache.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Medical conditions that affect balance.

Beginner's tips :

  • If you have trouble with the balance, rest your backside on a wall.
  • If you can't hook the left foot around the right calf, put a block under the left foot instead.
  • For deeper version, slowly bend forward resting right elbow on right knee.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Edema also known as oedema means swelling of body parts due to fluid retention . It is the accumulation of excessive serous fluids in cells or cavities of the body. It mainly affects lower body parts, mostly foot and ankles. It can slow down the healing process,increase the chances of developing skin infection, affect blood circulation and can be painful. Edema is not a disease, it only indicates that something is wrong in the body. Edema is due to an underlying in the body.

Symptoms of Edema :
  • Swelling in the legs, arms, calves, ankles, feet etc.
  • Slight color changes on the skin.
  • Skin on the affected area stretch and shine.
  • Cramps, pain
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Puffiness

Causes of Edema : Heart failure,anemia, kidney disease, low protein level in the blood, liver disease, malnutrition, starvation for long time,thyroid disease,weak veins, medication, pregnancy, menstrual cycles, immobility, heat and hot weather, diabetes, vena cava syndrome, prolonged bed rest, allergies.

Types of Edema :
  1. According to Allopathy :  (1) Pitting edema (2) Non pitting edema
  2. According to Ayurvedic : (1) Vataj edema (2) Pittaj edema (3) Kaphaj edema

Home remedies :

  • Mustard oil : warm a little of mustard oil in a pan and apply on the affected part. Soak 2-3 tsp mustard seed in water and apply this solution on that area.
  • Apple cider vinegar : It can removes excess fluid from our body can treat edema.
  • Neem and Tea tree oil : Make a mixture  by blending some amount of tea tree oil and neem oil. The mixture can neutralize the toxicity of insect venom and can reduce edema.
  • Alfalfa is a good source of important minerals, take 2000-3000 milligrams daily, in divided dose.
  • Consume small amounts of buttermilk, cottage cheese and low fat yogurt.
  • Flax seed oil : sprinkle this oil on your food before eating it. Very effective in facial edema.
  • Keep cucumber slice on the swelling of the foot and then keep potato slice on the cucumber slice and tie the foot with a cloth. This will reduce the swelling.
  • "Punarnava" ayurvedic drug which has good diuretic property that also helps reducing the edema.
  • Coriander seeds : boil few tsp of coriander seeds in 2 cups of water on medium heat. Continue this on fire till it becomes half in quantity. consume the whole at a time. 
  • In pregnancy related edema, you can keep your feet under the running cold water for 15 min before resting.

Do's and Don't :

  • Avoid salt intake. Avoid eating packaged food.
  • Carbohydrate intake per day should also be bought in control.
  • Include protein rich and fat rich food in your diet.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking.
  • Avoid vegetables and fruits : They are rich in water content, so reduce the intake of it.
  • Take fiber rich food more.
  Exercising : Make exercising apart of your daily routine. The morning walks are also effective as it will give you fresh air.

Some Ayurvedic Preparations :
  • Punarnavasava                                
  • Kumariasava
  • Dashmoola kwatha
  • Prisniparanyadi kashaya
  • Navyasa choorna
  • Punarnavadi choorna
  • Sunthi ghrita
  • Punarnavadi ghrita
  • Chitraka ghrita
  • Punarnava mandoor
  • Gokshuradi guggulu
  • Liv-52

Friday, October 9, 2009


Chakra means "Wheel" in Sanskrit. In practicing this asana, the spine is twisted in such a way that the body forms a semicircular shape, hence this asana is called ' Chakrasana'. It resembles a rainbow. This asana is very similar to the same, except while doing a back bend, the person is standing and keeps banding further back till his palms rest on the floor while in the Chakrasana, the person is lying down and slowly lifts his body up.

Technique - 1:
  • Lie flat on the back. Draw the legs in till the heels are close to the hips and the soles touch the ground. 
  • The gap between the legs should be of 4 to 6 inches.
  • Bend the arms at the elbows and place them on the ground on either side of the head.
  • Raise the body from the waist to the hind part of the head and breathe in the normal way.
  • Tilt the head backwards as far as possible. Keep the hands straight.
  • Keep the body steady. Do not shift either the arms or the legs from their positions.
  • Raise the back as far as it allows it to do.
  • Remain in this position for about a minutes.
  • To release, inhale and slowly bend the elbows to lower the head, neck and then shoulders to the floor. Bend the knees to slowly roll the spine and hips back to the floor and bring it to the original position. Then breathe normally.
Technique - 2 :
  • Stand erect with legs together, toes together, hands by the side of the thighs, gaze in front.
  • Now raise both hands from in front towards the sky, palms facing in front.
  • Keeping full weight of your body on ankles and thighs, bend backwards till you touch the ground with your hands.
  • After maintaining  it or sometime, slowly return to the original position.
  • Abdomen will be towards sky and the whole body will take the form of a bow.

Benefits of Chakrasana :

  • Through this asana, an aspirant can make his spine quite elastic. Elasticity of the spine preserves youth for a very long time.
  • This asana is an adjunct to Sarvangasana. When a long turn of Sarvangasana gives one a cramped neck or pain in the shoulders, a turn of Chakrasana helps to remove it. The reason is that the twist is on the backside.
  • It minimizes the stiffness of spine and connected nerves are made strong.
  • This strengthens the abdominal muscles and digestive system is regularized.
  • This asana removes pain in waist and spine is made flexible.
  • Excellent for the heart, as it causes the aorta to stretch. 
  • It is very useful in treating diabetes, asthma, constipation and obesity.
  • This asana has all the benefits of Dhanurasana, Shalabhasana and Bhujangasana.

Contraindications :

  • People with recent or chronic injury to the legs, arms, hips, shoulders or back should avoid this asana.
  • Those suffering from unmedicated high blood pressure, spondilitis, having been warned against backward bending, duodenal ulcer, hernia should not practice it.

Beginner's tips : While bending backward balance yourself on ankles and thighs, so that you do not fall on your backside.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Nausea is a sensation of the stomach that leads to the urge to vomit. This is our body's basic reaction when something is not right. Thus, nausea is considered a symptom and not a sickness itself. If you are not suffering from upset stomach there are other illness that can cause this problem. Nausea is basically a reaction, the body has, due to the presence of some illness in your body.

Symptoms of Nausea : Stomach pain, dizziness, sweating

Causes of Nausea :
Indigestion, Morning sickness, Motion and sea sickness, Stress, Very frequent occurrence during chemotherapy and while taking medicines, Drugs  and alcohol, Consuming food more than your required, Dairy products , yeast and wheat products as well as sugar products may cause nausea, Nausea is a  sign of illnesses like diarrhea, weakness, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, gastroenteritis, headache, gallstones, cancer, depression, diabetes, pancreatitis and many more, Pregnancy nausea is very common.

Home remedies for Nausea :
  • Ginger is a very good remedy, mix with your tea and get relief to your dizziness.
  • Ginger root : 2 caps of ginger root provide instant relief.
  • By consuming 1 to 2 tsp of any non carbonated syrup would help to bring relief to your system. These syrup formulas contain carbohydrates which help to cool down the stomach.
  • Grind cucumber with some sugar and water, strain and drink.
  • Tea, some teas like peppermint or chamomile have the soothing effect in our body. This is one of good treatment.
  • Cumin seeds : 1/2 tsp grounded cumin seed help relieve vomiting ans nausea.
  • Rice water : boil 1/2 cup of rice in 1 cup water, for 10 to 20 min, drain it and drink it.
  • Wheat germ : mix few tsp of wheatgerm with milk, consume this mixture every hour will help diminish the sickness.
  • Cider vinegar : mix 1 tsp cider vinegar and 1 tsp honey to a glass of cold water and consume it every bedtime. It will help to get rid of morning sickness especially for pregnant women.
  • Simply remedy that has been used since years is. don't let the vomitus inside your stomach. you can put your washed fingers deep into the mouth and vomit the stomach content once.
  • Put a little piece of lemon with little rock salt added to it. This will cease your feeling of nausea.
Other treatments :
  • Acupressure is a good Nausea remedy. This is done by applying pressure between your fore finger and thumb. When you know where the right pressure points are and when acupressure is done right, the queasiness will slowly go away.
  • Yoga produce very beneficial effects on Nausea.
Do's and Don't :
  • Don't sleep immediately after having meals.
  • Sleep on right side. This will prevent the stomach content coming in to mouth.
  • Avoid oily food, too much spicy food, heavy and indigestible food.
  • Drink plain water. Carbonated water, cold drinks, soft drinks, coffee, tea etc are best to be avoided.
  • It is better to consume smaller amounts of food. fiber rich foods like banana, rice, applesauce and toast are good for you once you feel your body is going back to normal.