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Thursday, August 27, 2009


Immunisation : Don't take disease for granted prevent them with Vaccines.

The previous year, the health ministry recorded many cases of measles and diphtheria. Hepatitis B is spreading like an epidemic, the disease is chronic in millions of people who have been infected with it worldwide. Millions of people suffer from various diseases, and some even die of them because of factors ranging from poor care to lack of awareness about diseases and their prevention.
An important mode of prevention is "Vaccination".

Prevention is better than cure :

Vaccines are the cheapest, effective and most most people friendly way of preventions, In the battle against infectious disease, the victory may be on mankind's side, but what if the disease goes undetected for long? Tuberculosis is instance curable. So is hepatitis, a viral infection that affects the liver. These and many more infections are curable if diagnosed early. There are umpteen number of cases of delayed and wrong diagnoses, and expenses mount with costs of tackling there ifs and buts is prevention through vaccination.
The need for taking vaccines is all the more important because of the principle of community immunisation; that is if 66%of the population is immunised, the remaining 34% automatically gets the protection against the disease. Immunising the larger population helps control the spread of the disease.

Understanding a vaccine :

"Vaccine" originates from the latin word vaca, meaning cow. The first scientific vaccination-by producing cowpox pus in to an eight year old boy's bloodstream. The experiment was a success and the boy did not get smallpox even on direct exposure. At the third World Health Assembly, smallpox was declared eradicated from the world.
An antigen is introduced in to the body in its weakest form, which teaches the body how to defend itself against pathogen by creating an immune response. The immune system produces an immune response to the pathogen by making antibodies, killer cells or both. The immune system has memory B cells (producing antibodies) and memory T cell(helping the production of antibodies or killer T cells). When the B cells next encounter the real pathogen, the immune system remembers it and responds faster than it would have if the person had never received the vaccine. This is called :immune memory".
A preventing vaccine is meant for those who have not been infected with the pathogen that the vaccine is designed to protect against. According to IAVI ( International AIDS vaccine Institute), a vaccine may work in the following ways :
  • By stopping replication of the pathogen, so that it can not infect more cells.
  • By producing antibodies that attach to the pathogen, rendering it harmless. (antibody response)
  • By producing immune cells that kill cells that have been infected with the pathogen (killer cel response).
  • Some vaccines also work if given immediately after exposure, (such as a rabies vaccine given right after a dog bite provided the patient has been vaccinated before and has immune memory) besides, there are therapeutic vaccines that can start an immune response after a person has been infected.
Vaccines for Adults :
  1. Flu : Influenza vaccination reduces the risk of hospitalization for cardio vascular diseases by 19% and in diabetics by 56%. In the elderly, it reduces by 39% the chances of hospitalization due to pneumonia and by 32% the chances of hospitalization for respiratory conditions.
  2. Shingles : zoster vaccine : Those who have already had an episode of shingles can take it. Side effects could be rashes at the injection site, headache.
  3. Hepatitis A &B : one in 20 people in India is a carrier of hepatitis B virus which causes 80%of all liver cancer and about 1% of all adult death. The hepatitis A vaccine is administered in two doses while hepatitis B is generally given in three doses.
  4. MMR : Advised especially for women of child bearing age. A rubella infection in a pregnant women can affect her unborn child, too. An attack of mumps can lead to orchitis, causing infertility in male. A combo MMRV ( MMR with varicella) vaccine is available.
  5. Varicella : The varicella vaccine can prevent complications if the person has not had chickenpox in childhood. This two dose vaccination is recommended for those who have reduced immunity.
  6. Tetanus : one vaccine provides immunization for 10 years from this deadly disease.
  7. Japanese encephalitis and yellow fever : vaccines for these diseases are recommended for frequent traveller.
Combination vaccines : combination vaccines or "super" vaccines combine many vaccines in to a single shot some of them are ;
  • DPT with hepatitis B and inactivated polio (IPV)
  • MMR with chickenpox
  • Hepatitis A and B
  • Hib (influenza B ) and DPT
Side effects, just like those in separate vaccinations include fever and irritability.

Vaccines for children :
  • BCG
  • Diphtheria (DPT)
  • Polio
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • MMR ( mumps, measles, rubella)
  • Chickenpox (varicella)- Hib (Haemophilus influenza type B)

Monday, August 17, 2009


This is one of the variations of Vajrasana. This is to be performed in the direction opposite to that of Supta vajrasana. Some consider this asana to be one kind of yoga mudra. Bhoo-namana-vajrasana is the fifth step which allows normal breathing and resumption of the breath to its normal pace.

Technique of Bhoo-namana-vajrasana :
  • Sit on the floor and attain the pose of Vajrasana.
  • Slowly and cautiously bend the trunk forward.
  • Take the arms to the back. Hold the right forearm with the left hand and the left forearm with the right hand.
  • Fill the air in the lungs. Slowly exhale and stretch the neck downward so that the nose touches the ground.
  • Remain in this pose for 3 to 4 seconds initially.
  • Gradually, increase the time to the limit of 10 seconds.
Benefits of this asana :
  • This asana eliminates the weakness of the intestines and the stomach. It also removes disorders of the liver and the laxity of the pancreas.
  • It stimulates gastric fire.
  • Regular practice of this asana strengthens all the leg joints, muscles tendons and ligaments.
  • It cures diseases such as diabetes, abdominal disorders, cold, gas-trouble, loss of appetite, nocturnal discharge, insomnia, asthma, dysentry and indigestion.
  • It increases the elasticity of the spine and also strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and the chest.
  • It cures constipation.
Contraindication :
  • The people having piles, ankle problems, knee injuries, dislocation or injuries of disc should not practice it.
  • Pregnant women should avoid it.

Monday, August 3, 2009


"Makara" means a crocodile. This asana is a type of cultural asana. In this asana, the body assumes the shape of a crocodile floating in water. So, this asana is called Makarasana. This asana increases the heat of the body.

Technique of Makarasana :
  • Lie on the ground face down, the chest touching the ground and both legs stretched out.
  • Let the upper parts of the feet touch the ground. Keep the heels upwards.
  • Raise the arms and put them in front of the head and hold the middle part of the left upper arm with the right hand and the middle part of the right upper arm with the left hand.
  • Keep the head downwards and close the eyes.
  • The head will rest on the abdomen, the thighs and the upper parts of the feet will touch the ground in a straight line.
  • Relax the body while practicing this asana. Breathe deeply and meditate on God.
  • This asana should be maintained for 2-3 minutes.
  • Release the pose when you start feeling tension in the shoulders or neck muscles.
  • Lie on your back and resume.
Benefits of Makarasana :
  • Though the process of practicing this asana is inverse to that of practicing Shavasana, the aim of both the asanas is the same : to give relaxation and compete rest to the body.
  • This is beneficial in Asthma.
  • It eradicates the fatigue and gives relaxation to all the parts of the body and mind.
  • Abdominal muscles get automatic massage.
  • It helps to reduce high blood pressure.
  • It prevents scoliosis and flatulence.
  • Genito-urinary disorders are cured.
  • This asana is ideal after any strenuous work or asana.
  • this asana is useful to those whose spine or back is injured.
  • It maintains the flexibility of these areas and is beneficial for those with sciatica, slipped disc, backache and spondylitis in the lumber region.
Remember :
  • If it is difficult to place one elbow on the other place both elbows slightly apart.
  • Head should remain inside elbow.
Contra indications :
  • People having heart problem, gas, high blood pressure, obesity should not practice it.
  • As the body is relaxed one is inclined to sleep which one should strictly avoid.
  • Pregnant women should not practice it.