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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Tonsils play an important role in our body by preventing infection to enter our body. Tonsillitis is a name for the inflammation of the tonsils which are present at the rear end of the mouth.
This inflammation can occur as red marks on the area,or even white colored upraised spots or patches that can not be scraped off the mouth. This minor infection then stimulates your body's immune system to form antibodies against future infection. When tonsils overwhelmed by a bacterial or viral infection, and they swell and become inflamed. The result is tonsillitis. A contagious disease by nature, tonsillitis can spread very quickly from one person to another. Tonsillitis problem can lead to ear infection which can lead to a serious problem.
A child suffering from tonsillitis needs plenty of care and rest. If your child finds difficulty in swallowing , try serving liquids and soft foods, like nutrition soups, milk shakes, smoothies or ice-cream.

Causes of Tonsillitis :
  • The main cause is a gram positive bacteria known as streptococcus bacteria.
  • most common in spring and winter season.
  • viral infection.
  • some of the viruses causing tonsillitis are : Adenoviruses, Influenza virus, Epstein-barr virus, Para- influenza viruses, Enteroviruses, Herpes simplex virus.
Symptoms of Tonsillitis :
Difficulty during swallowing, fever, headache, tiredness, weird voice, chills, bad breath, swollen glands in the neck, abnormal redness of tonsils, a yellow or white coating on the tonsils, runny nose, nasal congestion, coughing and sneezing.

Home remedies for Tonsillitis :
  • A glass of hot water mixed with 1 tsp lemon juice and some honey is very good for curing tonsillitis.
  • Take a glass of boiled milk and mix in it a pinch of turmeric powder (haldi) and pepper powder and drink every night.
  • Garlic : Eat lot of garlic containing foods as it acts as a antiseptic and helps to cure fast.
  • Banafsa flower (sweet violet) : Take about 12 gm of these flowers and boil them in 50 ml of milk, drink hot after being filtered.
  • Eat Betel leaves with Mulathi , 2-3 times a day.
  • Gargling 2 tsp of onion juice mixed with luke warm is used to gargle which helps to cure tonsillitis.
  • 1 tsp of fresh ginger juice, 1 tsp of honey with 2 tsp of warm water to be gargled for the treat it.
  • Drink this mixture , 300 ml of carrot juice, 100 ml of beet juice, 100 ml of cucumber juice, once a day .
  • In half a litre of water with 2 tsp of fenugreek seeds and simmer it for half an hour. strain the water and gargle with it, twice a day.
  • Soak the roots of white pea in water. grind them after a few minutes, drink this water every morning.
  • Put some portion of the bark of the babul tree in to water and bring it to a boil. Let it simmer for over twenty minutes, use it for gargling.
  • Take 4 ml of the liquid extract of the madhuka tree bark, mix this with 300 ml of water and warm it slightly, but do not boil. This solution is to be used as a mouthwash.
  • fine powder of purified sphatika was used for local application and fauces thrice daily before food. 1 gm of sphatika dissolved in half cup lukewarm water taken internally.
Do's and Don't :
  • Avoid all sour foods, including butter milk and pickles.
  • Do not eat any spicy or hot foods.
  • Avoid all acidic drinks and beverages such as tea and coffee.
  • Try not to talk much.
  • Increase your liquid intake and make sure your house is humidified properly.
  • You should keep good hygiene.
  • Patient should avoid spices and condiments as they tend to irritate the throat.
Other treatment for tonsillitis :
  • Warm water enema : The bowel should be cleansed daily with a warm water enema during the period of fasting.
  • Cold pack : should be applied to the throat at hourly intervals during a day.
  • Hot epsom salt bath taken every day is beneficial.
  • Exercise : daily dry friction and a hip bath and breathing and other exercise should all form part of the daily health regimen.
Ayurvedic medicines :
  1. Khadiradi vati
  2. Agastya rasa
  3. Pushkarmool choorna
  4. Sitopaladi choorna
  5. Kantakari avleha
  6. Talisadi choorna
  7. Eladi vati
  8. Kanchanara guggulu
  9. Septillin
  10. Tundikeri rasa

Monday, July 27, 2009


Shavasana is also called "Mrutasana". This asana is very useful for meditation, pranayama, japa, etc. It should be performed at intervals and also at the end. This asana relaxes the muscles and the blood vessels. Simply let the muscles relax, feel the circulation the system and be attuned to cosmic energies. The practice of this asana aims at releasing the mind from the body. This asana is yogic relaxation in the shortest possible time.Shavasana has been accepted as a remedy for psychosomatic diseases caused on account of competitive and tumultuous life. It has been seen that most of the people drift off to sleep while doing shavasana and fail to attain the "conscious" part of the posture.

Technique :
  • Lie flat on the back. Place the hands a little away from the thighs with the palms up.
  • Keep the eyes and the fists slightly closed.
  • Stretch the legs out. Keep the heels together and the toes apart.
  • Now close the eyes and breathe very slowly.
  • Begin by consciously and gradually relaxing each part and each muscle of the body : feet, calves, knees, thighs, abdomen and hips.
  • Then relax the muscles of the back, chest, arms, fingers, neck, head and face in that order.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply. Relax the brain during exhalation.
  • Retain the meditation for ten to fifteen minutes. In this posture one finds true relaxation and experiences rest, peace and plenitude.
  • Those who suffer from excessive mental stress or heart disease must practice only shavasana regularly every day.
  • Slowly bring yourself back up in to a sitting position.
Benefits of Shavasana :
  • Posture and meditation are co-ordinated in shavasana. Shavasana pacifies the body and the mind.
  • The constant practice of this asana helps one to control anger.
  • It gives prompt relief to those who suffer from heart trouble and mental stress and strain.
  • In Shavasana, all parts of the body- skin, muscles and nerves-are relaxed.
  • It stimulates the circulation of blood in the entire body and one feels refreshing.
  • The muscles after strenuous exercise need relaxation and rest. This asana gives certain prompt and complete relaxation and rest to the muscles.
  • This asana helps to cure the diseases such as insomnia, high or low blood pressure and indigestion, asthma, constipation, diabetes, lumbago.
  • It helps the body and the mind to recuperate after a long and serious illness. Shavasana is invigorating and refreshing.
  • All those who are prone to anxiety will find the asana to be quite beneficial.
  • Improve his focus and concentration power.
Cautions :
  • Never ever perform this asana under glaring light.
  • Make sure the surface , on which you are lying down is firm and flat.
  • Resist the urge to yawn at any stage of the asana.
  • At any point of time while performing the asana, do not keep your hands under your head or on your chest.