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Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Jaundice, also known as icterus is a disease caused due to the dysfunction of the liver. It is the most common of all liver disorders that results from an obstruction in the bile duct or the loss of the bile producing liver cells. Jaundice refers to the yellowing of skin and whites of the eyes caused by the high level of pigment billirubin in the body. Bile is a vital digestive fluid that is essential for proper nutrition. It is unable to function properly and filtering and elimination of toxins from your system is affected.

Causes of Jaundice : Hemolytic anemia, blockage in the bile duct, acute hepatitis, pancreatic cancer, alcoholic liver disease, thyroid, malaria, yellow fever, tuberculosis.

Symptoms of Jaundice : Extreme weakness, headache, fever, dull pain in the liver region, yellow discoloration of the eyes ,tongue, skin and urine, loss of appetite, severe constipation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching occur all over the body, bad taste in mouth and bad breath.

Home remedies for Jaundice :
  • One tsp of honey with one tsp of papaya leaves paste. Take this regularly for 1-2 week.
  • Barley water is very effective in treating jaundice.
  • Drink lemon juice regularly.
  • Patient of jaundice should drink one glass of sugarcane juice 2-3 times a day.
  • take 7-10 dry leaves of snake gourd and boil in a cup of water. Keep the solution a side, next boil 10-15 coriander seeds in half liter water , give the mixture of snake gourd along with coriander solution 3 times a day.
  • Prepare a juice of leaves of radish. drink half glass of this juice daily.
  • Make a cupful of juice of beetroot and lemon in equal part, take for 3-4 weeks.
  • Boil one cup of water and then put 8-10 leaves of lemon plant. Cover the vessel and leave it for 5 min, drink this solution 4-5 times a day.
  • A glass of fresh tomato juice with a pinch of salt and black pepper is useful for jaundice, take early in the morning, empty stomach.
  • Drink carrot juice regularly after meals at least for a month.
  • Consume minerals like iron and calcium during the attack of jaundice.
  • Combination of ginger juice, mint and lime juice is effective.
  • roast a bottle gourd in embers and mash it. squeeze the juice out of it and add little sugar for taste, drink it at a time.
  • Daily intake of pinch of roasted alum with buttermilk, 2-3 times a day.
  • Have a glass of bitter gourd juice (karela)every morning for short shot cure.
  • The green leaves of pigeon pea, a leguminous plant the beans of which are used for dals are useful. The juice extracted from these leaves should be taken in dose of 60 ml daily.
  • A mixture of almonds, dried dates and cardamoms is regarded effective . 8 kernels of almonds, 2 dried dates and 5 small cardamoms should be soaked overnight in water. Outer coating of almonds and inner seeds of dried dates should be removed and whole material should be rubbed in fine paste and 50 grams of sugar and equal amount of butter mix with this and lick this mixture.
Herbal remedies for jaundice :
  • Take 10-15 basil leaves (tulsi) and make its paste, add half glass of freshly made radish juice to it, take every day for 2-3 weeks.
  • Goose berry (amla) is very beneficial in curing jaundice.
  • You can give warm water containing turmeric to the patient suffering from jaundice, take one glass of warm water and mix a pinch of turmeric in it, stir well and drink this safe drink 3-4 times a day.
  • Take bark of a banyan tree ( ficus religiosa) , grind it to a powder of a fine consistency, put one gram of this powder in buttermilk, drink 1-2 glass daily.
  • Take a single leaf of the Indian aloe ( aloe barbadensis), grind it to a pulp, mix with some black salt and ginger to this leaf , take once a day for 10 days.
  • Picorrhiza kurroa and Operculina turpenthum are very effective. The powders of any one of these herbs taken in dosages of 1-2 tsp per day with hot water.
  • Indian sorrel is also used in liver problems the pulp of one of its leaves is to be taken with black salt and ginger every morningfor 10 days.
Do's and Don't for jaundice :
  • Avoid non vegetarian foods at least till the effects of the jaundice last on the skin.
  • Do not take even heavy vegetarian foods.
  • Restrict your intake of junk food as chocolate, cakes, potato chips, ice-cream, colas and drinks etc.
  • Do not drink raw milk, always drink filtred and boiled water.
  • Do not eat sea foods.
  • Do not give cereals and pulses to the patient. Grapes, black soya beans, nuts, sweet potatoes are the fruits that are beneficial.
  • Take proper rest.
  • Alcohol is very harmful to the jaundice patient. Avoid the alcohol.
  • Take moderates exercise, fresh air baths.
  • Take a simple light carbohydrate diet with exclusive on fats.
Ayurvedic medicines :
  1. Rohitakarishta
  2. Kumaryasava
  3. Trikatu choorna
  4. Kalmegha powder
  5. Cardimap tab
  6. Liv-52 syrup