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Friday, September 26, 2008


In Acidity, there is a movement of gastric juices from the stomach in to the lower esophagus. This condition mainly arises when acidic content in stomach (Hydrochloric acid ) move upward in to esophagus and making it dysfunction. This acid further secretes various digestive enzymes like pepsin that break the food for easy digestion. In case of excess secretion it gives a condition known as Acidity.

Causes :
  • Refined and fiber less food.
  • Stress.
  • Smoking & Excess of alcohol tends to weaken the nervous system, as a result the mucus membrane and the stomach lining stops functioning properly.
  • High intakes of spicy food.
  • Eating speedily, very fast devoid for proper chewing.
  • Inappropriate sleep.
  • over weight people may bear because of unnecessary pressure on their digestive system.
  • Pregnancy.
Symptoms :
  • Restlessness with continuous cramps in the stomach.
  • Sour belches and passing off wind.
  • Other symptoms of acidity are nausea and vomiting.
  • respiratory problems and coughing.
  • sometimes bellyache is also felt.
Home remedies for Acidity :
  • Fresh mint juice taken every day or fresh chopped mint leaves and tulsi leaves boiled in acup of water and sip slowly after meals.
  • Take tiny piece of jaggery every hour. just keep it in the mouth and slowly suck it.
  • A glass of plain milk gives good relief.
  • To 1.5 liters of water add 1 tsp shah jeera seeds. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes sip while warm . 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days.
  • Drink tender coconut water 3-4 times a day.
  • Cumin seeds boiled in a glass of water can be taken.
  • Powder one clove and one cardamom, Use the powder as a mouth freshener after every meal.
  • Keep small piece of Terminalia chebula in your mouth and chew it after every meal.
  • Take equal part of Ginger and Coriander to get relief from acidity.
  • Drink daily a 1 tsp juice of chebulic myroblan mixed with 1 tsp of amala juice.
  • Drink 1-2 glasses of water early morning to keep yourself healthy.
  • Eat watermelon, banana, or cucumber each hour.
  • Taking 2 tsp of Isabgol in milk after every meal.
Do's and don't :
  • Avoid spicy food rich in oils and fats. do not eat fried, fatty, junk food and excessive chocolates.
  • Eat fruit and vegetables rich in fibers.
  • Avoid strong drinks as tea, coffee, pickles, curds, vinegars.
  • Avoid excessive smoking and alcohol.
  • Take your dinner 2-3 hours before sleeping.
  • follow yoga or some exercise to reduce stress.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Padmasana is one of the basic yoga posture. This is probably the most well known pose routinely used by Buddha and is a very popular meditation pose. ' Padma' means lotus. Padmasana acquires its name because when performed this resembles a lotus. This is also known as Kamlasana. This is suited for meditation and for reciting 'mantras '. This is beneficial to both men and women.
Padmasana requires open hips and consistent practice .It is very good for alignment of chakras.Traditional text say that padmasana destroys all disease and awakens Kundlini.

Technique :
  • Sit on the ground. Spread the legs forward and place the right foot on the left thigh and left foot on the right thigh.
  • Some persons like to place first the left foot on the right thigh and then to put the right foot on the left thigh.Either process is right.
  • Let the left hand rest on the left knee and the right hand on the right knee.
  • Let the tips of the thumbs of both the hands touch the tips of the index fingers.
  • Keep the head and the spinal column erect. Keep your eyes close or open.
  • Those who can place only one leg on the thigh should practice this asana daily with zeal. They will be able to perform this asana easily after some practice.
  • Stay in the final position for one or two minutes in the initial stage. Later, increase the time gradually.
  • While returning to the original position. first stretch out your left leg.
  • Then stretch out your right leg also.
Benefits of Padmasana :
  • This asana is useful for Japa, Prana, Yama, Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (Self- realisation).
  • It has a clambing effect on the mind and the nerves.
  • This asana stimulates the endocrine glands.
  • Helps keep the joints in flexible condition.
  • This asana is useful to cure diseases like asthma, insomnia and hysteria. It is greatly beneficial to the persons suffering from insomnia.
  • It prevents abdominal diseases and female disorders connected with the reproductive organs.
  • This asana relieves the body of its excessive fat and it increases the vitality. It helps to preserve vital fluids in the body.
Contraindication :
  • People having chronic knee pain should not pactice it.
  • Those getting cramps in calf muscle should practice it carefully.
Note :
Do not fold leg forcefully. It takes few days for the legs to bend smoothly without pain and discomfort. For the first few days practice folding only one leg. This half posture is also called " Ardha Padmasana".


Vajrasana makes the body exceptionally strong and healthy. Vajra means thunderbolt in Sanskrit.It is easy to remain motionless in this posture, hence it is named as Vajrasana. Do the movement slowly and in a relaxed manner. Inhale and exhale slowly. While drawing the abdominal region inwards and expanding the chest, focus the attention on these body parts.

Technique :
  • Sit with legs extended together hands by the side of the body, palm resting on the ground, fingers of the hands together ponting forwards.
  • Bend the legs at the knees. Place the heels at the sides of the anus in such a way that the thighs rest on the legs and the buttocks rest on the heels.
  • Support the whole body on the knees and the ankles. Breathe normally while performing this asana.
  • Hands resting on the respective thighs, Sit erect, gaze in front close the eyes, the neck and the head in a straight line.
  • The knees and the ankles will perhaps ache in the beginning but this ache or pain will disappear by itself.
  • This asana is very simple posture and one can hold this posture with ease for a longer time.
  • While returning to the original position, bend little towards right side take out your left leg and extend it.
  • Similarly extend your right leg and return to the original position.
Remember :
  • Do not sit on the heels.
  • While sitting on the bent feet, the heels should remain out and toes inside. Soles up ward.
Benefits of Vajrasana :
  • The regular practice of this Vajrasana increases the secretion from the glands. It also increases the white blood corpuscles produced in the spleen, the tonsils, the marrow and in other part of the body.
  • The mind also gets stabilized in this asana. It is preferred for meditation and concentration.
  • Vajrasana energies Kandasthana situated about thirty cms away from the centre of 72000 nadis.
  • This asana helps digestion and eliminates gas-trouble.
  • One who practices this asana regularly does not suffer from fever, constipation, indigestion and other minor or major ailments.
  • The constant and systemic practice of this asna alleviates the pain of the knees, the legs, the feet and the thighs.
  • This asana is also found to be good for Pranayama.
Notes : This is the only asana, which, if practiced immediately after meals, stimulates digestion.

Contraindication :
  • The people having piles should not practice it.
  • knee injuries or problems like ligaments tears.
  • Ankle problems.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by erupption of superficial papules and larger patches with chronic inflammation, thick, red, silver scaled patches usually on the elbow, knees, scalp, and trunk. These areas can be itchy and painful. It usually appears in the age of 15-30 yrs.It is rarely found in infants and elderly people.
It is not a contagious or an infectious disease but a life style induced disease. Psoriasis patient suffer from systemic disorders in which the Immune system sends faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle process of the skin.

Causes :
Heredity factor, Abnormality in metabolism of amino acid and proteins, Various infection, Injury of the skin, Seasonal changes, Use of certain medicines, Anxiety, Stress.

Types of Psoriasis :
  • Plague psoriasis : Patches of raised, reddish skin covered by silvery white scale.
  • Gattate psoriasis : Small red spots appears on the skin.
  • Pustular psoriasis : White pustules surrounded by red skin appears on the skin.
  • Inverse psoriasis : Smooth, red lesions are formed in the folds of the skin.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis : Itching, pain and redness of the skin.
Home Remedies for Psoriasis :
  • Bitter gourd is valuable. Take a cup of fresh juice of this vegetable mixed with a 1 tsp of lime juice on an empty stomach daily for 4-6 months.
  • Cabbage leaves can be used in the form of compresses. They can be applied on the affected area after removing the thick veins and washin them thoroughly.
  • Take cod liver oil, linseed oil, Vita-E, and Zinc to fasten the healing process.
  • Take small amount of almond powder and boil it thoroughly in water. Use for external application and keep it over night and wash it next day with water.
  • Boil some soap nut ( shikakai) in water and apply an affected part.
  • Application of Aloe vera gel and garlic oil on the affected area is also beneficial.
  • Epsom Salts- adda handfulof these healing salts to your bath. They will keep swellig down.
  • The Use of mud packs is also beneficial. They absorb and remove the toxins from affected area.
  • Lecithin is also considered as aremarkable remedy for the psoriasis.
  • Cover a fresh thin banana leaf on the affected part.
  • Sesame seeds are also used for the treatment pof verious skin disease. Take 15-20 sesame seeds and soak in a glass of water . Keep it overnight and drink in empty stomach early morning.
  • Application of Cashew nut oil on the affected area at night after a thoroughly wash of the face is highly effective.
  • Sunlight is best and natural remedies.
  • Use of curd in the form of buttermilk has proved useful in liberal quantities.
  • Flowers of the Jasmine are crushed, made in to a paste and applied on the inflammed part.
Medicines for Psoriasis :
  • Khadirarishta : 2tsp thrice a daily, before food.
  • Panch tikta kashaya : 2 tsp twice a daily, before food.
  • Maha manjisthadi kashaya : 2 tsp twice a daiy, before food.
  • Psoria oil +Coconut oil : Externally apply.
  • Septiline cap : thrice a daily.
  • Arogyaverdhini tab : thrice a daily.
  • Yashad neem : 2 cap twice a daily, before food.
  • Allerin cap : twice a daily.
  • Skin tripada syrup : 1 tsp twice a daily.
  • Rudhirex syrup : 1 tsp twice a daily.
  • Triphala guggulu : 2 tab thrice a daily.
Panchkarma chikitsa :
  • Vamana (taking medicines that induce vomiting )
  • Virechana (taking medicines that act as a purgatives )
  • Takra dhara (pouring medicated buttermilk on the head and the body )
  • Vasthi karma (medicated enemas )
Do's and Dont's :
  • Patient should take bath in Sea water.
  • Include green vegetables, cucumber, carrot, fruits as they are good for psorisis.
  • reduce your intake of tea, coffee, fats, animal proteins and sugars.
  • do not eat hot, spicy and purgentfoods.
  • Apply a moisturizer to lubricate and soften scaly patches of skin.
  • Try deep breathing and relaxation exercise to reduce stress.
  • Avoid harsh skin products and lotions that contains alcohol.
  • Keep your towel, clothes separate and clean.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Halasana is so named because the posture assumed in doing this asana resembles a plough, for which Hala is the Sanskrit word.

Technique :
  • Lie flat on the back with the arms stretched by the side of the body, palms flat on the ground.
  • Place the legs together and keep them straight, inhale and raise the legs up slowly.Inhaling and the raising of the legs up should be simultaneously, stop at 30 angle.
  • After few seconds raise your legs further up to 60 angle.Do not bend the knees, and slowly bring the legs at 90 angle.
  • Do not raise the arms, do not bend the back. When you are in Sarvangasana posture, exhale and at the same time begin lowering the legs over the head till the toes touch the ground. Keep the knees together and straight, thighs and the legs straight.
  • Breath normally till the asana is completed. Do not breath through the mouth. Keep the eyes closed or open. See that the legs remaign straight. place the palms on the head making finger lock.
  • Let the chin touch the throat. Hold this position for eight to ten seconds.
  • While returning back to the original position first release the finger lock. strech the hands straight and place them on the ground by the side of the body.
  • Lower the waist and raise the legs from the ground and without giving them, a jerk bring them at 90 angle.
  • Slowly come back to the original position.
Benefits of Halasana :
  1. Halasana nourises the blood vessels of the spinal cord, the muscle of the back, vertebrae and the nerves which pass by both the sides of vertabrae.
  2. It cures constipation, gastric trouble and reduces irregular contraction and explation of the liver and the spleen.
  3. The practice of this asana is also useful in certain types of diabetes.
  4. It tones up sexual ability.
  5. As this asana stimulates blood circulation, the face becomes bright and youthful.
  6. This asana makes the spine flexible and elastic. a habitual aspirant of Halasana becomes very agile, alert and vigorous.
  7. It eliminates muscular rheumatism, lumbar pain, sprain and neuritis.
  8. Maximum benefits of this asana can be derived when Bhujangasana is practiced immediately after Halasana.
  9. It benefits the thyroid gland, liver, spleen, stretches and pulls the vertebrae.
  10. It helps releive the symptoms of menopause.
  11. This asana flushes mucous from the lungs.
Contraidication :
  • Neck and back problems
  • High blood pressure
  • Pregnancy
  • Diarrhoea
  • Asthma
  • Heavy menstruation
  • Eye & Ear infection
  • If you have not flexed up with other exercises before, do not attempt right away the final stages of this posture unless you have a naturally very flexible spine. Otherwise, do not try to touch the floor with the toes for a few days. Do not force the toes any lower than the spine will allow comfortably. You will injure the right muscle and the pain may last a few weeks.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Piper Nigrum

Name : Black pepper
Family : Piperaece
Active Compounds : Black pepper's aromatic, slightly musty odor comes from the volatile oils found largely in the flesh and skin. Its pungent bite comes from the alkaloids-piperine and resins found mostly in the seeds. The oils go in to perfumes and flavoring.

Medicinal characteristic :
Rasa : Katu
Guna : Laghu, tikshna
Virya : Ushna
Vipaka : Katu

Uses of Piper nigrum :
  • Piper nigrum increase the flow of Saliva,stimulates appetite, tones the colon muscles and It is a general digestive tonic.
  • As a gargle It is useful in paralysis of the tongue.
  • Useful in atonic dyspepsia and turbid condition of the stomach. It will correct nausea.
  • It has been used in Vertigo, paralytic and arthritic disorders.
  • Also useful in diarrhoea, cholera, and very usefulto wash for a tinea capititis. it is very good for some skin diseases.
  • As a local application for relaxed sore throat.
  • It can be used to help in the treatment of pain relife, rheumatism, flu, colds, exhaustion, nerve tonic, fever.
  • It is very good for toothache - make a decoction of pepper with 1/8 tsp of black pepper with 1/2 cup boiling water. rinse the mouthwith small sips with warm decoction. repeat as needed.
  • Piper nigrum is very good drug for Asthma .